> 3 free conferences

> Technical workshops about popular open source technologies

> Experience sharing from national and regional experts

> The best of the open source on the French Riviera in 3 days, with sharing and conviviality

Carpool with Ridygo


Use Ridygo community to come to SophiaConf ! It’s easy !

Free and mandatory registration

Registration required, limited number of places.

Free for Telecom Valley members  with a code

€ 20 for non-members

> Check if my company is a member


Join us to celebrate the 10th anniversary of #SophiaConf2019!

Join us with your most fun cakes!


  • Colour: all colours are welcome
  • Shape: all shapes that you can imagine
  • Size: all sizes

Unfortunately, there is no fridge for storage! Choose wisely your recipe 😉




2:00-5:00 pm

6:00-8:00 pm

artificial intelligence

We never get tired of Artificial Intelligence. Because it’s trendy, because it works, because it impacts all industries, once again this year, we are welcoming top experts to update you on the latest work and technologies around AI.

tech workshops

(2 parallel workshops – limited places)

2:00-5:00 pm

Index your data in open source


Workshop in English or French.


Datafari is a big data open source enterprise search solution. It can be used to index your hard drive, as well as the file shares of your organization, but also data from the web. Many crawling connectors make it multisource (Sharepoint, SMB, DBs, Web…). The difference with Elasticsearch? It is a layer above: Datafari is not only a search engine, it also provides a framework for crawling, it manages security, it provides a web interface, as well as a complete administration interface. In this initiation workshop, we will be presenting the tool and its architecture, and then we will dive directly into its installation and usage: installation of Datafari CE on your machine, first indexing and configuration, customizing of the UI. With this, you can go back home with a technology that is easy to install and providing you with a search that is multisources and multiformats.


participants must come with a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM. Preferences, the laptop must be under Linux to be able to do the installation phase. If the laptops are on windows, we will skip the installation step.




The purpose of this workshop is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Machine Learning Open Studio (MLOS) platform from ActiveEon. It empowers data engineers and data scientists to quickly create structured workflows. MLOS provides a rich set of generic machine learning tasks that can be connected together to build powerful machine learning workflows for various aplications such as: fraud detection, anomaly detection, image recognition, etc. MLOS is ready-to use open source machine learning and deep learning libraries, such as scikit-learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, CNTK, among others.

Participants must come with a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM. 


6:00-8:00 pm

MyDataModels develops accessible Machine Learning solutions for the greatest number. We are of course involved in Open Source technologies – both as a user – but also involved as a contributor:
(i) by providing models accessible to the public
(ii) by participating in initiatives of public partners such as INRIA, which operate institutionally and contribute to the Open Source community.

Application developers making use of open source components need to know whether those components comprise security vulnerabilities, understand their risk in the particular application context and mitigate accordingly. This vulnerability management can be automated using an open source solution called vulnerability-assessment-tool, developed by SAP and open sourced in 2018. This solution requires a vulnerability database with detailed information about the vulnerable source code and the respective security patch, all of which is difficult to obtain due to non-reliable standard sources of advisories and vulnerability data (such the National Vulnerability Database, NVD). In our previous research work, we treated source code changes as documents in natural language processing, potentially ignoring the structured nature of source code, in order to populate the database. We will give a brief overview of the directions of our most recent work, where we incorporate the semantic properties of code into our analysis by leveraging on state-of-the art approaches to generate distributed code representations by analyzing and aggregating paths extracted from the abstract syntax tree of the code.


In this talk, we will discuss some of the current trends in AI and see how these can be applied within the travel industry. From choice modelling to recommender systems, reinforcement learning to data generation, we will showcase how these techniques can be leveraged to improve the travel experience.



2:00-5:00 pm

6:00-8:00 pm

internet of things

Every year we say that objects are already everywhere, yet every year new weird objects appear and surprise us. This evening will be dedicated to developers, makers, and IoT lovers.

tech workshops

(3 parallel workshops – limited places)

2:00-5:00 pm


Low Level 3D Embedded Graphics with Linux, OpenGL ES and Buildroot This workshop will introduce how embedded 3D GPUs are working, and how they can be programmed at low-level on a Linux systems. Live coding examples will be presented: GL ES shader programming, full embedded system build with Buildroot, live camera image processing with V4L2 and GStreamer…


People interested to do the coding examples should come with a laptop running a working Linux system (e.g. Debian 9, Ubuntu 18, Fedora 29, …) with some free disk space (about 20GB). This is a technical session, in which many programming examples will be shown.

Attendees may follow the presentation without any equipment. All the presented materials and code will be published, so it can be reproduced later on.

Attendees which would like to do live coding session, will need a laptop with Linux (tested with Ubuntu 18). 20GB of free disk space is needed for running all demos.

Apache Kafka

Sébastien ALEGRET

workshop in French



A laptop, with a functional docker environment and a java development environment.
We can use Kafka with other languages (javascript, python) but java is still the main language in the kafka ecosystem.


Design my Connected Object in the biggest FabLab of the Côte d’Azur: Design, prototyping, realization (3x1h)


6:00-8:00 pm


The rise of IoT and smart infrastructure has led to the generation of massive amounts of complex data. Traditional solutions struggle to cope with this shift, leading to a decrease in performance and an increase in cost. In this talk, we will take a look at this kind of data coming from real-world smart factory sensors. Participants will learn how to create a data pipeline for ingestion and visualisation. By the end of this session, we will be able to set up a highly scalable data pipeline for complex time series data with real time query performance.


Résumé intervention


Due to the versatility of the markets addressed, operational agility is essential to industrial success. This agility has a cost in terms of complexity and heterogeneity of information and control systems. Moreover, parallel to the deployment of automation, we experience an evolution in the manufacturing trades: products are manufactured in lesser quantity and larger variations. Given, this complexity, the human being finds more and more its place as a supervisor: it guarantees the smooth functioning of the system as a whole by being able to unlock as quickly as possible any abnormal situation. Still, AI and rule-based systems prove to provide interesting « complements » to help them focus on the real problems and their possible causes. By attempting to eliminate false positive alertings, the real pain of automatic supervision, we can provide truely useful « assistants » that help reduce stress. Hurence, a recognized specialist in Big Data systems, is setting up an hybrid system, mixing rules and supervised learning, that:

The evening will continue with the 5th Makers Feast of SoFAB by Telecom Valley :

> Exhibition and demonstrations of connected objects manufactured at FabLab by Sophia’s maker community.



2:00-5:00 pm

6:00-8:00 pm


OnPremise has almost become a word from the ancient time. Cloud, and its associated role of Devops, is now the by-design approach for almost any new software released. Developers are eager to ramp up on these technologies, and to get to know which ones are really mature.

tech workshops

(2 parallel workshops – limited places)

2:00-5:00 pm



Workshop in French 


The purpose of this workshop is to allow you to discover the main features of Terraform, one of the most famous tool in the domain of Infrastructure as Code. We will work together on simple exercises and you will quickly understand why this tool is so appreciated!


– A computer
– An SSH client
– known how to add an SSH private key




Luc Juggery

Slides in English. Workshop in English or in French


Discover how to set up a continuous integration with Gitlab-CI and Docker, then deploy your application on a Kubernetes cluster.


– an account on https://gitlab.com/users/sign_in

– a laptop, possibly with docker


6:00-8:00 pm


E2E testing is the part developpers hate. Setting up, writing, running and debuging tests is now made easy thanks to Cypress.io. I will explain why I considered using Cypress and do a live-coding demo to show how to use Cypress in practice in a BDD process, from the Code editor to the CI/CD chain.


“Is your Time To Market increasing? Move to microservices! Everybody will love it. ” This is precisely what we won’t be telling you in this talk. What are good reasons to perform this move? How should it be initiated? When overwhelmed with microservices, which tools or practices would save your life? These are the main questions we will try to address.

SPICE Smart Streaming

Christophe DE DINECHIN

Conference in French. Slides in English and French


SPICE is a solution developed by Red Hat to access virtual machines remotely. Under the pressure of 3D-enabled desktops and gaming clouds, SPICE has been redesigned with a stronger focus on video streaming. Smart streaming adjusts the video quality dynamically for a better remote desktop experience.

The conferences are followed by a networking cocktail.

SophiaConf 2019 starts in











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