The Challenge Jeunes Pousses


Created in 2002, the “Challenge Jeunes Pousses” is an innovative company creation contest, dedicated to Bachelor, Master degrees and Ph.D students.

The contest is also open to every holder of the “statut étudiant entrepreneur”, thanks to PEPITE PACA EST who has been supporting the contest for the last five years.

The goal is to develop, within a multidisciplinary team, an innovative company in various fields: tourism, social or technological. Those teams will compete for six months.

Every team are guided through each important step of the contest by coaches who provide their specific and technical advices in: law, industrial, marketing, management, design, industry, financial, etc.

Telecom Valley has been organizing the “Challenge Jeunes Pousses” for the last fifteen years and it has  become a real example of economic growth and innovation on our territory.
Currently, the contest is one of the main activities managed by the non-profit organization Telecom Valley and fits perfectly in its strategy: promote the Sophipolitan economic environment.

Let's participate to the adventure !

11 mars 2025 – Finale du Challenge Jeunes Pousses

11 mars 2025 – Finale du Challenge Jeunes Pousses

Telecom Valley vous invite à la grande Finale du Challenge Jeunes Pousses,le rendez-vous annuel de la création de startups étudiantes sur le territoire :  Mardi 11 Mars 2025à 17h  Amadeus 485 Route du Pin Montard, 06140 Biot Plan d'accès   Gratuite et obligatoire...

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Added value

Experiment intrepeneurship & innovation

Students integrate an innovative formative practice at the end of their studies.

Tools to develop projects

Teams benefit from financial resources and tools to develop their projects.

Working in a multidisciplinary team

As a true human and entrepreneurial experience, the contest trains the students to the challenges of working in a team.

A professionnal accelerator

This enriching experience in the local ecosystem allws students to creat a network, find their first jobs in local companies or creat their own companies.C

Be coached by professionnals

Teams are trained by coaches, entrepreneurs and experts in entrepreneurshop and innoavtion fields.

"Challenge jeunes pousses" label

With more than 15 years of existence, 2 000 students trained, the « Challenge Jeunes Pousses » as gained real recognition. The contest’s teams use this label as an advantage in their professional carrers.

Contest steps



Teams creation day

  • 0% 0%


Quarter finals

  • 25% 25%



  • 50% 50%



  • 100% 100%
Many sessions of collective coaching and indivual coaching take place between the main steps to help and prepare to teams.

For the 4 finalists

> A financial support to improve their projects : 900€ by Telecom Valley ;

> A lot of prices thanks to our partners, such as registrations for other contests (European Innovation Academy), and entrepreneurship books ;

> An important visibility on local and international medias thanks to the reputation of the contest.

Plus, for the winner team

> The « Isabelle ATTALI » price and the Jeunes Pousses trophy ;

> 1500€ gift vouchers from Telecom Valley for the entire team  ;

> Additional 1500€ for the company creation and 1 year of free registration at Telecom Valley when the company is officially created ;

> 6 months of incubation with “Incubateur PACA Est” (for a technology innovation)  ;

Multi-support communication pack “Business Premium” worth 900€ by Tool-Print Agency  ;

> 6 months of hosting from the CASA, in the Business Pole’s co-working space ;

Success stories

Credypto – Lauréat 2022 (Ex-aequo)

Credypto – Lauréat 2022 (Ex-aequo)

  L’édition 2021-2022 du Challenge Jeunes Pousses a pris fin le 15 mars 2022 dans les locaux d’INRIA Sophia Antipolis, avec le grand oral des 3 finalistes désignés en janvier. Ainsi Credypto, Egoki et Peeksmee, ont pitché leur projet de business en public,...

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